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Hidden Gems in Your Sewing Box: Uncommon Sewing Notions That Can Elevate Your Projects

Whether you need an uncommon tool for a specific problem or find that standard, everyday tools and materials aren’t quite getting the results you want, you might find the perfect solutions in some unlikely places. After all, creative tasks often require creative solutions.

Unique sewing notions are all around you if you know where to look â€” find some sparks of inspiration with the following examples:

1. A Power Drill

If you’ve ever had to twist multiple strands of fabric or thread together, you know it can be a tedious job, but with just an ordinary power drill, you can turn them up in seconds! Whether you want the convenience of a cordless drill or the battery-free operation of a plug-in unit is up to you.

2. Tweezers

When handling finer, more detailed work, fingers often have a bad habit of getting in the way. With that said, having a set of tweezers on hand can make tying small knots a breeze, and they can also reach into tiny openings to retrieve errant needles or thread ends.

3. Forceps

Like tweezers, forceps are excellent for situations where fingers are too big, but forceps are so useful because they act like a clamp, staying shut when squeezed. If, for example, you need to hold a minuscule pair of threads together or keep two materials held until some glue dries, forceps can free your hands to do other tasks.

4. A Torch

You might not think a torch (that is, an honest-to-goodness blowtorch, not a flashlight, though those have their place, too) has a place among your sewing notions, but consider the variety of circumstances where a torch is, in fact, the perfect solution: You can burn fabric to find out what it’s made from, distress it to make it look old or singed, or melt or soften materials such as plastic or thin wire.

5. A Stapler

Pins are the traditional method for holding a seam allowance, but a stapler may provide the superior solution! For one, you’d be able to hold the fabric with one hand while stapling it with the other, and on top of that, you won’t have to worry about poking yourself with a stray pin! As long as you remember to remove the staples before washing the garment, a stapler can replace pins in many of your project’s processes.

6. An Old Credit Card

Almost everyone has old gift cards or credit cards sitting around, and as it turns out, they’re one of the best tools for spreading paint, glue, and other liquids. Plastic cards act like squeegees, letting you create a thin, even layer for ultimate control.

7. Floss

Pound for pound, dental floss is stronger than thread, and though you likely wouldn’t want to finish an entire outfit with floss, it’s excellent for patches on jackets, for example. (The fresh, minty smell is just a bonus!)

8. Tin Snips

You may find that standard shears can’t easily cut through some of your project’s tougher materials. Instead of muscling your way through, grab a heavy-duty pair of tin snips. They’re made for cutting through metal sheets, so you won’t have any problem getting through plastic!

9. A Foam Head

When you’re crafting headwear, you need a reasonable analog for a real human head, and your friends and family probably don’t have the patience to sit through the duration of your entire project.

A quick run to the craft store, thankfully, can net you a styrofoam head or two. You may have to shop around for different sizes, but you can cut, stab, and dent styrofoam without worrying about damaging a more expensive head form.

10. Paperclips

Sometimes, you may not want to have pinholes (or stapler holes) on your material, but if you still need to hold two sheets of material together along an edge, paper clips will do the trick! In addition, you can unfold paper clips and use them to push or poke materials into small crevices or holes.

11. Old Food Containers

If you’ve ever found yourself needing to mix some epoxy or dye but hesitating because you don’t want to ruin a nice dish or cup, just remember that the solution may already be right in front of you! The next time you finish tubs of butter or yogurt, set them aside for messy projects that would otherwise stain or damage your bowls, plates, and other containers.

Get All Your Standard Tools and More at GoldStar Tool

From the conventional to the unconventional, GoldStar Tool has what you need to make your projects spectacular. Check out our vast array of sewing notions and get crafting today!