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How to Plan Your 2023 Sewing Projects

The new year is upon us, which means it’s time to plan out your next batch of sewing machine projects! Whether you’re an experienced sewer with a busy schedule of professional work or an amateur looking to build your portfolio of skills, planning out your next several projects in advance can help ensure your success.

Not only will planning out your future sewing machine projects keep you organized and make it easier to be prepared, but it will also help to keep you more accountable toward your sewing goals and encourage you to stick with your ideas.

Top Tips for Planning Out Your Next Year of Sewing

Not sure how to get started planning your 2023 year of sewing? Try these top tips for mastering the planning stage and setting yourself up for optimal success:

Organize Your Current and Future Ideas on Paper — or Digitally

Even though you might think you have all of your in-progress and future sewing ideas kept straight in your head, life can get busy, and you can get distracted by all kinds of different things.

In order to avoid forgetting about any exciting new project ideas you come up with or even losing track of projects you had already started, try writing down all of your current and future sewing projects in one organized place.

It doesn’t matter if you write them down physically on paper or digitally on a phone, computer, or tablet — what matters is that you keep all of your sewing information organized in one central place. This includes details like materials needed, how long each project should or must take, and the ultimate goal of the project.

Prioritize Your In-Progress Projects

It’s easy to get so excited by your new sewing ideas that you end up abandoning older, unfinished projects in order to get started on something else.

However, making sure to prioritize your in-progress projects over brand-new ideas will help you set a precedent for yourself that everything you start gets finished. This way, you’ll actually end up finishing many more sewing projects than before!

Though it’s important to set the intention to finish every project you start, you may find that a project you take on ends up being beyond your skill level, or you simply no longer have interest in completing the task.

Letting go of an in-progress sewing project is perfectly okay. Just make sure that you’re doing so with intention and not forgetting about a former project in favor of that exciting new one. If you get into that habit, it will can be difficult to break, and you can up with many unfinished items!

Schedule Out Your Future Projects

If you aren’t a professional seamstress and your sewing machine projects are purely for enjoyment, scheduling out your future projects for the year weeks or even months in advance may seem like overkill. However, if sewing is a hobby that you want to keep improving at, you’ll need to prioritize it just like you would anything else.

Life can get in the way of your hobbies, and your sewing schedule for the year can always be edited as needed.

However, having a general outline of the different sewing machine projects you want to start and finish as well as realistic timelines for each will help to keep you on track and accountable so that you are a better able to finish everything you set out to do.

You’ll feel accomplished at the end of this coming year when you can proudly say you finished every sewing project you planned!

Limit How Many New Ideas You Can Add to Your Schedule

There are many fun DIY sewing machine ideas to explore, but a good rule of thumb is to wait until a project is finished before adding another to your schedule. That way, you can make sure that your sewing plans don’t become overwhelming or stressful, and you can properly honor all of your previous ideas.

Find All the Tools You’ll Need — and Exciting New DIY Ideas — at GoldStar Tool

Start the year off right with some fun DIY sewing ideas for all skill levels from GoldStar Tool! We’ve got all the sewing machine accessories and tools you’ll need for a successful year of crafting.