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DIY Halloween Table Runner Made from Scraps of Material

Halloween novelty fabrics are fun and often brightly colored and will bring some fall colors inside. What better way to add a touch of Halloween than by this table runner, which is quick and easy with your sewing machine? You can also use Halloween cloth scraps you’ve been saving.

Pick a striking fabric for the back, and it can be reversible. Depending on the material you use, it may shrink a little when you wash it, so cut it a little bigger. 

Preparation: Select and Cut Fabrics 

If your batting or fabrics are rumpled, iron them on a low setting. Remember, some batting has adhesive, so don’t iron that side. 

Cut the batting and the back fabric (make the back fabric slightly larger than the batting). You can customize the size for any table; any size is a cinch with a sewing machine!

Cut the strips from a mix of brightly colored fabrics and more neutral fabrics. How big you cut them and how many depends on your runner’s size. 

Putting It Together

Putting everything together doesn’t take too long. 

Putting Back and Batting Together

Center the batting on the wrong side of the backing. If your batting has adhesive, iron the batting on with a high setting. If there’s no adhesive, use a quilter’s spray glue. 

Arrange your fabric strips on the backing and batting, then trim the ends. 

Stack the Strips

Starting with the center strip, make two strip stacks in the order they are on the back一 one going right of center and one going left. 

Use Your Sewing Machine

Starting in the center, pin the first strip from the right-side pile to the back. 

Sew a ¼-inch seam down the right edge to secure the strip to the batting and back. 

Press open the seam (careful not to melt the batting). Pressing helps the strips lie neater and flatter, which means the lines will look cleaner. 

Using a left-side pile strip, do the same thing (pin, sew, press). 

Repeat with all the strips, alternating sides. 


To quilt, start in the middle. Using the strips as guides, sew toward the right. 

Come back to the middle and go left. 

Alternate until complete. 

Square off the raw edges. 

Finish It Up

Bind the edge with the sewing machine and give it a quick wash. Now you have a unique and decorative Halloween runner!

GoldStar Tool

Contact GoldStar Tool for all your sewing machine supplies!