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DIY Scarf Mask

What if you had a high functioning face mask that also looked like an elegant scarf when you pulled it down? It's not too good to be true. The winter season is here, which means skiing, snowboarding, and generally being out in the cold.


You can accommodate this tutorial to fit anyone, including children, teens, and adults of various sizes.

Gathering Your Materials

It is important to note that you will likely have a different material for your mask if you're hoping to slow the spread.


The inside of the mask should be tightly-woven 100% cotton rather than a cotton-blend or synthetic material. This will also help you keep more warmth around your face, using the notorious quilters cotton.


Materials list:

  • 1/4 inch elastic forties
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and mat
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Pins
  • 8 inch – wire or string
  • 1 yard – Rayon or synthetic fabric
  • 1/4 yard – 100% cotton
  • Thread

Start with a Facemask Guide

You can easily create your facemask following one of the simple guides we posted in 2020.


Create a mask without pleats that have a filter pocket with this complete tutorial. Or, this guide for making a face mask with vertical pleats and filter pockets. 


You can create a comfortable non-filtered pleated mask with these steps:

  • Cut a 16" long x 8.5" wide rectangle.
  • Cut 2 pieces of elastic between 7 to 8" long.
  • Fold in half "hamburger" style.
  • Sew across the top, leaving a 3" opening to turn the project
  • Place the elastic between the layers and pin it into place.
  • Sew down each side.
  • Turn the mask
  • Use a seam ruler to create 3 evenly-spaced pleats at 1/2" – Pin each pleat into place.
  • Sew with a 1/8" seam allowance for a few inches into each pleat, but not through the center.


The necessary items to note are:

  • Use the high—woven cotton for the lining pieces of the mask.
  • You can substitute elastic with 1”-wide strips of t-shirt material for the ties.
  • You can use the same material as the scarf for the outer layer of the mask.


Pressing and Sewing the Scarf


Press your scarf at 3/8-inch, turn it an additional 3/8-inch, and press again. Sew around the edge of your fold to hem the entire scarf.


Press the short edge of the mask, press the shortest edge at ¼-inch, fold over 5/8-inch, and press again.


With your mask right side out, roll the seams and press them. Sew along the inside fold to attach the mask to the scarf. Be sure to avoid sewing over the filter pocket.

GoldStar Tool

If you have a hard time remembering to grab everything before you leave home, grabbing a mask is just another thing to add to your list! This two in one scarf and mask tutorial will be a lifesaver! You are less likely to forget your scarf than forgetting your mask.