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Dritz Ezy-Hem Guage Ruler
Dritz Ezy-Hem Guage Ruler
Product Pictures

Dritz Ezy-Hem Guage Ruler

Dritz Ezy-Hem Guage Ruler
Product Pictures
SKU: DRZ-617
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Dritz
Our Price: $15.99  
This item is sold out
reseller raitng

It can be used to make a hem from 1/4" to 4" on a straight edge and from 1/4" to 2 1/2" on a curved edge. Includes complete illustrated instructions on back of package. Used for pressing straight or curved hems, turned edges and for shaping pockets, waistbands, belts and more. The combination of right angles and curves makes this a handy tool for pressing.

Includes metric measurements.

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